Day 59
Today you will find installment #4 of meet the cats. You have already met Clark, Mindy, and Gable. This guy here is Blowfish. Blow is a very smart cat but you know what they say about the fine line between genius and insanity. We have often wondered about the heritage of this cat. I think I mentioned that his sister, also the mother of his kittens, was pretty retarded. Blowfish comes from the other side of the spectrum. He was the cat who actually figured out that doorknobs are the key to opening doors. He also has figured out that banking off of walls helps you turn corners faster. On the other hand, he spaces out so much that you can walk up to him while you think he is looking at you, touch him, and in doing so scare the living crap out of him. I think he just sleeps with his eyes open. So there is one left. Stay tuned.