My Picture a Day for 2006

This is a brief photo-diary of my photographic adventures in 2006. There will be a post each day of my favorite image that I have taken that day. I hope you enjoy them.

Location: Florida, United States

Keeping this profile thing short, I take some pictures and I go on occasional rants. This blog is to give me an outlet for those two activities (mostly photos).

Friday, February 24, 2006

Day 55 Baseball, Mom, and Apple Pie

It's just about that time. Spring training is underway and the games start next week. Living in Florida, there are a lot of opportunities to see a spring training game and I'm hoping we get a chance. On another note, today was a very special day. Cubs tickets went on sale!!!. That means it is time to start planning the annual trip that Matt and I take to catch a couple of Cubs games. Since he had an early class today, he got elected to sit by the computer to purchase tickets. After sitting on there for several hours, he called with the good news. He was able to seats for a couple of games in May so the trip is on. Today's post is in honor of the trip. As I had mentioned in an earlier post, I am a bit of a baseball fan (especially the Cubbies) so I'm sure that this won't be the last baseball pic you will see here. In fact, there should be a least two from Wrigley coming in a couple of months. If you get a chance, go see a game somewhere.. It doesn't matter if its Major league or Little League. It's all baseball and it's all good.


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