My Picture a Day for 2006

This is a brief photo-diary of my photographic adventures in 2006. There will be a post each day of my favorite image that I have taken that day. I hope you enjoy them.

Location: Florida, United States

Keeping this profile thing short, I take some pictures and I go on occasional rants. This blog is to give me an outlet for those two activities (mostly photos).

Friday, January 13, 2006

Day 13

Hey. I have to admit that this one kind of got thrown together tonight. We are leaving tomorrow for a couple of days and we are trying to get things ready to go. Therefore I didn't have a lot of time to devote to this submission. Fortunately, nature cooperated a little and gave me a full moon to shoot. I was hoping a cloud or something would blow by but alas, nothing. Oh well. I played with the color temp a little to get the bluish tint and got rid of some of the haze that was around the moon tonight. Other than that and a little cropping, this was it.

Konica Minolta Maxxum 7D
Tamron 28-300mm lens
Focal length 300mm (35 mm equiv- 450mm)
Shutter Speed 1/8
Aperture f 22
ISO 100

Thanks for coming.


Blogger GClef1970 said...

You get some gorgeous shots! You will have to help us decorate our new home with your pictures! Hey, how about some beach shots for our newly painted family room?

7:44 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Wow, you take some beautiful pictures. I've always been interested in photography too, but mostly just take pics of the kids. I loved the blue and red glass ball picture. I'm a photoshop lover too. That program is just incredible.

7:56 AM  

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