My Picture a Day for 2006

This is a brief photo-diary of my photographic adventures in 2006. There will be a post each day of my favorite image that I have taken that day. I hope you enjoy them.

Location: Florida, United States

Keeping this profile thing short, I take some pictures and I go on occasional rants. This blog is to give me an outlet for those two activities (mostly photos).

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Day 60

It's time to meet cat #5, the last of the bunch. Last but not least, we have Max. He is officially Matt's cat. Max was a feral kitten who was found wandering around the yard of a friend of Reba's and we ended up with another cat. As do all the others, Max has his quirks. Sometimes it's hard to tell what he is. His back feet stick out like a rabbit's, he comes when he's called like a dog and he sits at the window and chirps like a bird.


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