My Picture a Day for 2006

This is a brief photo-diary of my photographic adventures in 2006. There will be a post each day of my favorite image that I have taken that day. I hope you enjoy them.

Location: Florida, United States

Keeping this profile thing short, I take some pictures and I go on occasional rants. This blog is to give me an outlet for those two activities (mostly photos).

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Day 29

Today's photo was again a quikie. Matt and I played golf today so after that and a short afternoon nap, my time was limited. I originally was going for a shot of these two birds that live on our entertainment center. Reba had a candle burning by them and I thought it looked interesting. As I was looking into the viewfinder, I noticed the photo of the kids of Reba's oldest friend. A little location adjustment and here it is. I have decided not to waste time with all the info on shutter speed and aperture etc. because I'm sure nobody really cares. If by some chance you do have a question on one, leave a comment and I'll answer.


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