My Picture a Day for 2006

This is a brief photo-diary of my photographic adventures in 2006. There will be a post each day of my favorite image that I have taken that day. I hope you enjoy them.

Location: Florida, United States

Keeping this profile thing short, I take some pictures and I go on occasional rants. This blog is to give me an outlet for those two activities (mostly photos).

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Day 96

Many years ago, when we moved into our new house, our friends Carol and Blake gave us an orange tree. We planted it in our back yard and waited. For years we would anxiously await the time of year when the orange blossoms would sweeten the air with their distinctive scent. But alas our little tree was barren. Year after year it refused to grow big and strong. Nary a bloom would appear. We loved it anyway but felt bad that it was never going to bear us the fruit that we dreamed of. Then one day, Reba was talking to the neighbor lady and telling her of our little tree. Marylin asked what kind of fertilizer she used. Fertilizer? That little tree took off like a rocket. It now takes up a corner of our yard. The oranges are so plentiful that they weigh the branches down and you can't see the ground under the tree. It is the only orange tree I have ever seen that still has good oranges on it when the new blossoms arrive. Finally fulfilled, our tree gives us all the oranges and juice we could ever ask for. Go little tree.


Blogger GClef1970 said...

So... um.... Reba is bringing oranges tomorrow, right?

8:00 PM  

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